That Cliche New Year Post

Sunday, January 01, 2017
Well come on, everyone needs that New year new me blog post? I mean, I doubt I'll suddenly become a brand new person, Goddess of productivity and water consumption but maybe writing it down will be more motivating? ;)

So what now?

Well you know I've to do the new years resolution part now right? I mean, I know I'm not going to magically transform into a new, improved, wondrous version of myself, but a few ideas and attempts to better myself won't hurt will they? And yes, I will throw in the usual 'drink more water' and 'sleep properly' but hopefully my list may lead as some inspiration for your own New Years resolutions?

Consume more water than my windowsill cacti plants..-

A lot of us have this at the top of the self improvement list. After a little research on doctor Google I have come to the conclusion that adults need roughly 1.5l to 2l of water a day. (don't quote me on that!) I on the other hand drink about a glass of squash. I want to clear my skin and hopefully give myself a little hydrated spring to my step and what better place to start than water?!

Generate more than 1 or 2 blog posts a month!-
Although  am pretty active on my Instagram and Pinterest accounts, I seem to neglect you guys a bit  here! Finding time between Uni work, social life and personal time can get a little difficult but I definitely want to improve with my consistency. If there's ever anything you want to suggest I write about then please please PLEASE comment! I love hearing back from everyone and it definitely spurs me on to write more for you all.

Try to look after myself more effectively..-
Not with just the water thing, but with the self care side of life. I know for a fact that I am an emotional person, and that this can fare as an exhausting trait. I haven't been feeling too well lately and I know this is because I haven't been looking after myself. But in the coming year I want to try, give myself time and space to recharge and if required I want to ask for help where needed.

Knuckle down with my Uni work (and actually use my desk!)-
This one is obvious, but I want to really show what I can do in the way of my university work. Complete sketchbook pages quickly and thoroughly and go in on self study days! I feel like I may have been coasting a little bit and my tutors seem to agree so time to really prove myself and show what I am capable of!

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